Monday, June 4, 2012

The Elixir of Life

My bag was packed, outfit planned, and alarm set: I was ready for my first official internship as a college student. I wasn't sure what to expect from IndiePix. I hadn't been to the office since my February 29th interview in which a rainstorm prevented me from exploring the neighborhood and becoming acquainted with the route. So as I boarded the subway all I had was HopStopped clue as to where I was going. Thirty minutes later I made it to 32nd street and 7th avenue, just a few avenues away from 31 E 32nd street: my workplace for the next two months. I walked past a stretch of Manhattan that in two years I still had never seen. Manhattan Mall? Bally Total Fitness? Metro PCS?! I thought these things only existed in Miami, I thought, but no, here they were right in front of me. All these new sites pulsated excitement through my veins as I reached the building. Hello IndiePix.
First task as intern? Watch a movie, not bad. I sat there watching a documentary on street sports and I was both confused and entertained, not really sure what my role was supposed to be. But then after I was given my official daily assignment: write two blog posts a day for each online blog associated with IndiePix. And it made sense, my job is not just watching movies or reading articles or writing stories, but living, breathing, and believing in the power of FILM.
I ate Chinese food with my coworkers and read my fortune, "Work is the true elixir of life. The busiest man is the happiest man." After six hours of nonstop film immersion, it's safe to say I'm on my way to a very fulfilling summer.

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