Monday, July 23, 2012

Event Planning Fun

It's my last week at IndiePix and I have finally been given something new to do (other than spreadsheet madness) which is exciting and challenging! I am currently working on promoting the premiere for our big summer release: Concrete Circus. The documentary is really interesting and everyone should watch it once it comes out even if you're not familiar with the skateboard/motocross/BMX world.
I'm completely new to the world of marketing and event planning and so far it's been fun. Pulling out contacts from people, I've realized that I even had a few personal friends who could help out. It was a lucky coincidence but one which made all the difference since it meant Red Bull giving us a shout out on their Twitter! Yay!
The other half of the work is all on spreadsheets, but it feels more like organizing research this time and less like busy work. It's all a give and take I suppose.

Friday, July 20, 2012

TDKR Premiere

After last night's events I wrote this post for the IndiePix blog. It pretty much covers what I've been feeling as an aspiring filmmaker.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Real Life New York Problems

A man on a bicycle ran into me today while I was waiting to cross the street. Not a pleasant day back after the long 4th of July weekend but it can only get better. The Dark Knight Rises premiere is coming up and I am SO excited! I'm sticking to my PMA (positive mental attitude) and reminding myself that not everyone here is a jerk on a bike. :)